Zimbabwe Stories

Africa Interview 1.mp4

This is Precious! She is a counselor at the Nedevedzo Hospital. She has been serving her community at this hospital for 14 years. She is a mother of 3 beautiful girls! As a counselor, she sees a wide range of people from 0-24 years of age. Her biggest group of people she sees are victims of sexual assault and orphans. She needs our help to make sure that she can help these children to the best of her ability! 

Africa Interview 2.mp4

This is Gamuchirai. She is a primary care nurse who has been working at Nedevedzo Hospital for 16 years. She has 2 girls and one boy! As a primary care nurse, she works at the hospital helping the people who come in however she also does community outreach. All of the nurses go out into the community every so often and do clinics and make sure that everyone gets their vaccines. 

Africa Interview 3.mp4

This is Sarah. She has worked at Nedevedzo Hospital for 12 years as a nurse aid. She has 3 beautiful daughters. As a nurse aid, she helps aid the nurses in treating patients and anything else that they may need. 

Africa Interview 4.mp4

This is Jamera Faith. She has worked at Nedevedzo Hospital for 16 years as a primary care nurse. She is the mother to three beautiful children, 2 girls and one boy. As a primary care nurse, she mostly goes out into the community making house calls and making sure they are up to date on their vaccines. 

Africa Interview 6.mp4

This is Peter Mrapa. He has worked at the Nedevedzo Hospital for 29 years as a general aid. He has four children, three girls and one boy! As a general aid, he cleans the hospital and makes sure it is ready for the expecting mothers. He used to cook for the patients however there is no longer money in the budget for him to do that. 

Africa Interview 7.mp4

This is Tichafa Fungai. He has wored at Nedevedzo Hospital as a nurse aid for 23 years. He is married with five kids, one boy and four girls. He works mainly at the hospital helping the other nurses by seeing patients and administering medications. 

Africa Interview 8.mp4

This is Lillian. She has worked at the Nedevedzo Hospital as a nurse aid for 18 years. She has two children, one boy and one girl. She is the right hand of the head nurse and helps in delivering the babies at the hospital. Her biggest challenge is the lack of supplies that aid in delivering new life into the world.


This is Wellington Zunga. He has been working at the Nedevedzo Hospital as a nurse for 2 weeks now. His biggest challendge is the lack of supplies to help give patients the best care. Another challenge that he faces is the lack of electricity which hinders the staff becasue they can not just turn a light switch and have light.